Inspire 1 Preflight check procedures
Check weather conditions
- Temperature, Visibility,
Likelihood of Precipitation, Wind speed, Wind direction.
Check maintenance log book (if applicable)
- Ensure there are no open
entries or outstanding maintenance due.
Check that pilot and/or PIC are fit to fly
- Consider all physical and
psychological considerations: are you well rested, clear-minded. Are
there any external pressures being applied (client pressures, time
pressures)? Confirm no alcohol consumption in past 12 hours, medications
that could affect performance.
Mission area- Go for flight
Make note of flight obstructions
Clear of all no-fly zones
- Check for TFR and/or NOTAMS.
Check for flight restrictions or restricted airspace for anticipated
flight locations. Confirm Class G airspace. Get necessary Tower
permissions. Check B4U Fly App. Check Kittyhawk App.
- Check for wires / cables,
Poles, Power lines, Trees, Animals, People / bystanders, Property in the
vicinity, Ability to maintain adequate buffer zones between aircraft and
personnel, Take into account local topography, ensuring a visible line of
sight towards the UAV at all times. Ensure buildings or other
obstructions will not affect the telemetry connection.
Develop flight plan/Brief all on roles & responsibilities
- Take into account flight time
limit, goal of flight, wind/weather conditions. Discuss the conduct/goals
of the flight with observers, co-pilot and spotters. Notify any
bystanders or nearby property owners of your intentions (permission).
Advise any and all who are involved with the flight of the overall plan,
emergency contingencies and location of First Aid kit.
Determine take-off, landing site and alternate site
- Minimize departures and
landings over populated areas, select take-off/Landing site that is free
of rocks, debris, dirt, tall grass. Deploy area mat if necessary. Ensure
site is far enough away from trees, wires, poles, buildings, people, and
vehicle traffic. In the event of emergency failsafe return to home,
ensure site does not result in overt obstacles to the path of the
returning sUAV. Determine alternate landing site in case the original
site becomes compromised during flight.
Check that required documents are on-site
- PIC certificate, UAS
registration, permission forms signed, etc.
Inspect UAS for damage
- Check joints, structural
members, check for loose or damaged screws, ties, fasteners, straps.
Check for loose or damaged wiring, loose or damaged connections/plugs.
Inspect prop mounts and apply slight counter pressure on arms/components
to check for loose components. Inspect camera / lens, make sure it is
secured and connects are firmly attached. Check that props are smooth and
free of damage/defect, check the blade surfaces. Check hub for cracks or
Controller and Crystal Sky battery charged
Drone battery charged, properly installed, secured
Lens filter attached
SD card installed (rededge and camera)
Lens is clean (inspire, tablet)
- Check red edge
- Connections
- Condition and
- GPS and light
sensor (connected/ secure)
- Payload
- Conditions
and security
- Lens clean
Aircraft Flight checklist
Place UAS on clean level ground or landing pad
Propellers securely attached
- all arrows aligned
Mount Crystal Sky to controller
Power up controller and Crystal Sky
Place all phones in airplane mode
- Advise all others to turn
phones to airplane mode or OFF
Controller Patch antenna down
Power on Inspire 2
Power on the Red Edge
Ensure the gimbal carries out auto calibration
Check connection between controller and drone
Check status of batteries
- Controller, Crystal Sky,
Inspire 2
Calibrate compass
- Before initial flight of the
day & every change of location
Ensure PAF on controller is set to P for GPS flight
Ensure GPS lock is active; check number of satellites
- At least 4 bars to lock RTH
Check video signal feed; watch for interference
- Set to 5.8 ghz
Check gimbal operation: proper initial orientation and pan/tilt
Check navigation light is functioning properly
Check camera settings
- SD card formatted, White
balance, frame rate, frame size, focus mode, etc.
Set/Confirm Home Point on map
Check Minimum return height
- Set high enough to avoid any
objects in area
Check take-off clear
- UAS placed in safe launch and
land position/ Conduct 360 check of surrounding areas for other ground
and air uses. Scan skies for birds. Area clear of by standers / non
participants? Ensure all participants are a safe distance from the UAS.
Request Take-Off Clearance from ATC (if applicable)
Note flight take off time
Take off and hover at 10-15 feet
- Check all functions are
operating properly; listen for any abnormal sounds coming from the UAS
that could indicate mechanical problems.
If all OK, proceed with flight
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